Helpful Information & Resources


We will be sending home important information, documents, flyers, and calendars on Thursdays. Your child has a Welsh Weekly Student Folder where all the items will be located. 

Resources & Key Documents

Code of Conduct

The School District of Philadelphia’s Parent And Family Portal

Media Release Form 

Student/Family Handbook

District Academic Information 

Parent Involvement

Parents and caregivers play a vital role in the education of their children.  You are encouraged to participate in all school activities, workshops, conferences, and events. We ask that you also support us in working with your child in the following areas:

Attendance – Send your child to school daily and on time.  This expectation is for live, hybrid, or virtual classes.

Set High Expectations – Encourage your child to try hard and do their best in school every day.

Discipline – Encourage your child to follow the School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Conduct and the school-wide expectations.

Stay Informed – Frequently inquire about your child’s progress by regularly communicating with your child’s teacher, responding to written communications sent home, and attending parent conferences.

Emphasize Reading – Promote reading as a daily practice at home for at least 15 – 20 minutes.

Ensure Accuracy of Contact Information –  Be sure to inform the school when there is a change in your child’s address or telephone number.

Community Partnerships

The 26th District

Sean’s Helping Hands

Traveling Tree House

Global Citizen

APM Phila


WES (Counselor Support)

C.A.D.E Kids

Al Maun (AMP)

Taller Puertorriqueno Art Program


Philly Beatz

Mindfulness through Movement

Kensington Soccer Club


The Food Trust

Delaware Valley Fairness Project (DVFP)