School Uniform Policy

Uniforms are mandatory for all students attending Philadelphia Public Schools.

2023-2024 Uniforms

K-8 Students: Navy blue pants, skirts or jumpers, and light blue or yellow collared shirts

NOTE: Jeans, tights, midriffs, hoodies, graphic t-shirts, flip flops, open-toe shoes, and slippers are not allowed.

 Physical Education Uniforms

On designated days that students in grades K-8 have PE (gym), they will wear navy blue sweatpants and a school shirt.

School shirts can be purchased in the Main Office at the start of the school year. 

Restorative Uniform Policy (if students fail to wear an appropriate uniform)
  • Teachers, Climate Staff, and/or Administration will have a restorative conversation regarding appropriate dress.
  • The student’s name will be taken, and the parent/guardian will be notified of failure to conform to the uniform policy.

For each violation, students will be subject to exclusion from any school trips and/or incentives.

 Uniform Guidance